

April 22, 2014

Big BIG Day!!

My day today started out at 5:30 A.M.  I know, crazy right??!! Well it was one of my best friends' birthdays... I've grown up with her since 4th grade when I moved here and she has been a fantastic friend ever since.  But today Katie turned nineteen and I really wanted to make it a blast.  I love birthdays and I love events in general (but especially planning them).  So anyways, my roommate and I had already decided that we wanted to go to Denny's really early in the morning and so we thought, "Hey! Why not take her out for breakfast at an unholy hour??"  And so we did.

6:00 in the morning rolled around and my other friends showed up on my doorstep. There were four of us in total.  The day previous, I had gone and bought a birthday sash for her that read, "Kiss me, it's my birthday!"  I also bought party hats, party poppers, and noisemakers..... or what I thought were noisemakers (I made the mistake of buying the ones that you blow into and they unroll like a chameleon tongue).  So here are four young adults in my tiny little car, wearing party hats, and we made our way out to Katie's house.  When we get there, we knock on the door and her mom answers the door.  We hand her mom a party popper and we all go into Katie's room where she is sleeping.  We all gather around her bed and her mom exclaims, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIEBUG!" and then all of the party poppers go off above her bed.  Talk about a rude awakening, haha! I mean those stupid party poppers are soooooo loud and they spray confetti all over the place.  But I have to admit it was pretty awesome.

So since my friends and I were all in our pajamas still, we simply jumped in the car and headed off to Denny's at the most unholy hour ever.  BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT!!!!  I sure love a good breakfast! And that hot chocolate at Denny's is to die for!  So we laughed and talked and ate for a good hour or maybe an hour and a half.  Then we loaded back up into my car and we drove back to Katie's house.

As we came up on one of the last streets before her house, we passed Katie's mom who was on her way to work.  We got to Katie's house and then she realized that she didn't have a spare key.  We drove to her grandma's house just down the road and we got a set of keys to Katie's house from her.  Unfortunately, the keys weren't the right ones to fit the locks, so Katie broke into her house by climbing through her window. It was awesome. When we all got situated inside, we decided to play Just Dance 3 on the Wii until it was time to get ready to go back to town.

10:45 A.M. rolled around and we were all ready to go to town.  There was only one of our friends who had to work so she said goodbye and we parted ways.  I took everyone to the mall and we messed around in there for a while.  We bought Katie some presents and we just browsed and laughed and had some fun.  And just for the record, I spent way more than I had anticipated for today. Whoops. But was it worth it??? ABSOLUTELY! We had such a blast!  While we were at the mall, we crammed all four of us into a photo booth (which was only build for like 2-3 people.... they need to build them bigger dang it.).  Oh boy, wasn't that fun!

By the time we finished in town, it was about 3:00 P.M. It was kind of crazy.  We drove to my sister's high school, picked her up, and then went back to my house.  After playing with my crazy puppy, we took Katie home so she could have her birthday party with her family.  Gotta love that woman. Best friends forever!!

So since we had nothing else left to do in the day, my roomie took a nap (who wouldn't blame her?? we were up at an unholy hour!!) and I finished my missionary papers.

Guess what everyone! MY MISSIONARY PAPERS HAVE BEEN TURNED IN!!!! I am so excited! I'm going to be getting my mission call in hopefully 2-3 weeks.... or sooner if I get lucky!!! I am so excited to learn where I'm going and to learn what language I'll be speaking and when I'll be leaving! Life can't get any better than this!!! Holy cow!!!!!!!

Anyways, I am sooooooo tired. It's ridiculous. But I had to blog this!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So proud of my little girl who is not so little anymore...

    Can't wait to find out where you're going. Now it's really starting to hit home...
